
For any inquiries please use our contact form:

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Prof. Dr. Axel Brakhage
Prof. Dr. Axel Brakhage

Institute of Microbiology
Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Department of Molecular and Applied Microbiology HKI
Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology - Hans-Knöll-Institute  

Beutenbergstrasse 11 A
07745 Jena, Germany

Phone +49 3641 532 1001
Fax +49 3641 532 0802

Prof. Dr. Hermann Einsele
Prof. Dr. Hermann Einsele

Julius Maximilians University Würzburg

Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine II and Research Center for Infectious Diseases (ZINF) 

Oberdürrbacher Strasse 6
97080 Würzburg, Germany

Phone +49 931 201 40001
Fax +49 3641 201 6 40001

Nicole Becher

Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Neugasse 23
07743 Jena, Germany

Phone +49 3641 9 49546
Fax +49 3641 9 49547