Project A2
Interaction of Aspergillus fumigatus with human natural killer cells and dendritic cells
Project A2 investigates the immune response of two major innate immune effector cells, dendritic cells (DCs) and natural killer (NK) cells against Aspergillus fumigatus. We will analyze pattern recognition receptors on NK cells and DCs with a strong focus on the newly described A. fumigatus receptor CD56, signaling pathways downstream of these receptors, and corresponding pathogen-associated molecular patterns on the fungus. In addition to classical immunological and molecular approaches, we make use of on high-resolution microscopy and next-generation sequencing. Furthermore, A2 will analyze the receptor-mediated and cytokine-mediated crosstalk of NK cells with DCs in presence of A. fumigatus. Moreover, the functional role of polymorphisms in genes relevant for NK cell modulation and function will be analyzed. Finally, A2 will characterize the antifungal capacity, cytokine secretion and surface receptor expression of NK cells that are isolated from patients at defined time points after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. This project will continue to identify functional defects of NK cells after allogeneic stem cell transplantation in vitro, thereby highlighting the specific relevance of functional NK-cell immunity for effective immune responses against A. fumigatus.
Time course of the NK cell-A. fumigatus interaction and direct binding of CD56 to the fungus. NK cells were cultured with A. fumigatus germ tubes (MOI 0.5) for 3, 6, 9 and 12 h. CLSM pictures were taken from these co-cultures. CD56 is stained in red; auto-fluorescence is visualized in green.

Prof. Dr. Hermann Einsele
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine II and Research Center for Infectious Diseases (ZINF)
Julius Maximilians University Würzburg

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Löffler
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine II and Research Center for Infectious Diseases (ZINF)
Julius Maximilians University Würzburg

Dr. Ulrich Terpitz
Biocenter, Department of Biotechnology and Biophysics
Julius Maximilians University Würzburg
Author | Year | Title | Journal | Links |
Heilig L, Natasha F, Trinks N, Aimanianda V, Wong SSW, Fontaine T, Terpitz U, Strobel L, Le Mauff F, Sheppard DC, Schäuble S, Kurzai O, Hünniger K, Weiss E, Vargas M, Howell PL, Panagiotou G, Wurster S, Einsele H, Loeffler J | 2024 | CD56-mediated activation of human natural killer cells is triggered by Aspergillus fumigatus galactosaminogalactan. | PLoS Pathog. 20(6):e1012315 | PubMed |
Häder, A, Schäuble, S, Gehlen, J, Thielemann N, Buerfent BC, Schüller V, Hess T, Wolf T, Schröer J, Weber M, Hünniger K, Löffler J, Vylkova S, Panagiotou G, Schumacher J, Kurzai O | 2023 | Pathogen-specific innate immune response patterns are distinctly affected by genetic diversity. | Nature Communications | PubMed |
Halder LD, Babych S, Palme DI, Mansouri-Ghahnavieh E, Ivanov L, Ashonibare V, Langenhorst D, Prusty B, Rambach G, Wich M, Trinks N, Blango MG, Kornitzer D, Terpitz U, Speth C, Jungnickel B, Beyersdorf N, Zipfel PF, Brakhage AA, Skerka C | 2022 | Candida albicans induces cross-kingdom miRNA trafficking in human monocytes to promote fungal growth. | mBio 13(1): e0356321 | mBio |
Zoran T, Seelbinder B, White PL, Price JS, Kraus S, Kurzai O, Linde J, Häder A, Loeffler C, Grigoleit GU, Einsele H, Panagiotou G, Loeffler J, Schäuble S | 2022 | Molecular Profiling Reveals Characteristic and Decisive Signatures in Patients after Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation Suffering from Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis. | J Fungi (Basel) 8(2):171 | PubMed |
Seif M, Kakoschke TK, Ebel F, Bellet MM, Trinks N, Renga G, Pariano M, Romani L, Tappe B, Espie D, Donnadieu E, Hünniger K, Häder A, Sauer M, Damotte D, Alifano M, White PL, Backx M, Nerreter T, Machwirth M, Kurzai O, Prommersberger S, Einsele H, Hudecek M, Löffler J | 2022 | CAR T cells targeting Aspergillus fumigatus are effective at treating invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in preclinical models. | Science Transl Med 14: 664 | Sciene Transl Med |
Tappe B, Lauruschkat CD, Strobel L, Pantaleón García J, Kurzai O, Rebhan S, Kraus S, Pfeuffer-Jovic E, Bussemer L, Possler L, Held M, Hünniger K, Kniemeyer O, Schäuble S, Brakhage AA, Panagiotou G, White PL, Einsele H, Löffler J, Wurster S. | 2022 | COVID-19 patients share common, corticosteroid-independent features of impaired host immunity to pathogenic molds. | Front Immunol. 13: 954985 | PubMed |
Springer J, Held J, Mengoli C, Schlegel PG, Gamon F, Träger J, Kurzai O, Einsele H, Loeffler J, Eyrich M | 2021 | Diagnostic performance of (1→3)-β-D-Glucan alone and in combination with Aspergillus PCR and Galactomannan in serum of pediatric patients after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. | J Fungi 7: 238 | PubMed |
Lauruschkat CD, Page L, White PL, Etter S, Davies HE, Duckers J, Ebel F, Schnack E, Backx M, Dragan M, Schlegel N, Kniemeyer O, Brakhage AA, Einsele H, Loeffler J, Wurster S | 2021 | Development of a simple and robust whole blood assay with dual co-stimulation to quantify the release of T-cellular signature cytokines in response to Aspergillus fumigatus antigens. | J Fungi 7: 462 | MDPI |
Page L, Wallstabe J, Lother J, Bauser M, Kniemeyer O, Strobel L, Voltersen V, Teutschbein J, Hortschansky P, Morton CO, Brakhage AA, Topp M, Einsele H, Wurster S, Loeffler J | 2021 | CcpA- and Shm2-pulsed myeloid dendritic cells induce T-cell activation and enhance the neutrophilic oxidative burst response to Aspergillus fumigatus. | Front Immunol 12: 659752 | PubMed |
Trinks N, Reinhard S, Drobny M, Heilig L, Löffler J, Sauer M, Terpitz U | 2021 | Subdiffraction-resolution fluorescence imaging of immunological synapse formation between NK cells and A. fumigatus by expansion microscopy. | Commun Biol 4: 1151. | PubMed |
Amich J, Mokhtari Z, Strobel M, Vialetto E, Sheta D, Yu Y, Hartweg J, Kalleda N, Jarick KJ, Brede C, Jordán-Garrote AL, Thusek S, Schmiedgen K, Arslan B, Pinnecker J, Thornton CR, Gunzer M, Krappmann S, Einsele H, Heinze KG, Beilhack A | 2020 | Three-dimensional light sheet fluorescence microscopy of lungs to dissect local host immune-Aspergillus fumigatus interactions. | mBio 11: e02752-19 | PubMed |
Marolda A, Hünniger K, Böttcher S, Vivas W, Löffler J, Figge MT, Kurzai O | 2020 | Candida species-dependent release of IL-12 by dendritic cells induces different levels of NK cell stimulation. | J Infect Dis 221: 2060-71 | PubMed |
Weiss E, Schlegel J, Terpitz U, Weber M, Linde J, Schmitt AL, Hünniger K, Marischen L, Gamon F, Bauer J, Löffler C, Kurzai O, Morton CO, Sauer M, Einsele H, Loeffler J | 2020 | Reconstituting NK cells after allogeneic stem cell transplantation show impaired response to the fungal pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus. | Front Immunol 11: 2117 | Frontiers |
Seelbinder B, Wallstabe J, Marischen L, Weiss E, Wurster S, Page L, Löffler C, Bussemer L, Schmitt A, Wolf T, Becker J, Kalinke U, Vogel J, Panagiotou G, Einsele H, Westermann A, Schäuble S, Loeffler J | 2020 | RNA-seq reveals synergy in a human virus-fungus co-infection model. | Cell Rep 33: 108389 | PubMed |
Lupiañez CB, Martínez-Bueno M, Sánchez-Maldonado JM, Badiola J, Cunha C, Springer J, Lackner M, Segura-Catena J, Canet LM, Alcazar-Fuoli L, López-Nevot MA, Fianchi L, Aguado JM, Pagano L, López-Fernández E, Alarcón-Riquelme M, Potenza L, Gonçalves SM, Luppi M, Moratalla L, Solano C, Sampedro A, González-Sierra P, Cuenca-Estrella M, Lagrou K, Maertens JA, Lass-Flörl C, Einsele H, Vazquez L; PCRAGA Study Group, Loeffler J, Ríos-Tamayo R, Carvalho A, Jurado M, Sainz J | 2020 | Polymorphisms within the ARNT2 and CX3CR1 genes are associated with the risk of developing invasive Aspergillosis. | Infect Immun 88: e00882-19 | PubMed |
Lauruschkat CD, Page L, Etter S, Weis P, Gamon F, Kraus S, Einsele H, Wurster S, Loeffler J | 2020 | T-cell immune surveillance in allogenic stem cell transplant recipients: Are whole blood-based assays ready to challenge ELISPOT? | Open Forum Infect Dis 8: ofaa547 | PubMed |
Srivastava M, Bencurova E, Gupta SK, Weiss E, Löffler J, Dandekar T | 2019 | Aspergillus fumigatus challenged by human dendritic cells: metabolic and regulatory pathway responses testify a tight battle. | Front Cell Infect Microbiol 9: 168 | PubMed |
Zoran T, Weber M, Springer J, White L, Bauer J, Schober A, Löffler C, Seelbinder B, Hünniger K, Kurzai O, Scherag A, Schäuble S, Morton CO, Einsele H, Linde J, Löffler J | 2019 | Treatment with etanercept and low monocyte concentration contribute to the risk of invasive aspergillosis in patients post allogeneic stem cell transplantation. | Sci Rep 9: 17231 | PubMed |
Springer J, Walther G, Rickerts V, Hamprecht A, Willinger B, Teschner D, Einsele H, Kurzai O, Loeffler J | 2019 | Detection of Fusarium species in clinical specimens by probe-based real-time PCR. | J Fungi (Basel) 5: E105 | PubMed |
Seif M, Einsele H, Löffler J | 2019 | CAR T Cells beyond cancer: Hope for immunomodulatory therapy of infectious diseases. | Front Immunol 10: 2711 (Review) | PubMed |
von Lilienfeld-Toal M, Wagener J, Einsele H, Cornely OA, Kurzai O | 2019 | Invasive Fungal Infection. | Dtsch Arztebl Int 116: 271-278 (Review) | PubMed |
Belic S, Page L, Lazariotou M, Waaga-Gasser AM, Dragan M, Springer J, Loeffler J, Morton CO, Einsele H, Ullmann AJ, Wurster S | 2019 | Comparative analysis of inflammatory cytokine release and alveolar epithelial barrier invasion in a Transwell® bilayer model of mucormycosis. | Front Microbiol 9: 3204 | PubMed |
Morton CO, Wurster S, Fliesser M, Ebel F, Page L, Hünniger K, Kurzai O, Schmitt AL, Michel D, Springer J, Einsele H, Loeffler J | 2018 | Validation of a simplified in vitro Transwell® model of the alveolar surface to assess host immunity induced by different morphotypes of Aspergillus fumigatus. | Int J Med Microbiol 308: 1009-17 | PubMed |
Page L, Weis P, Müller T, Dittrich M, Lazariotou M, Dragan M, Waaga-Gasser AM, Helm J, Dandekar T, Einsele H, Löffler J, Ullmann AJ, Wurster S | 2018 | Evaluation of Aspergillus and Mucorales specific T-cells and peripheral blood mononuclear cell cytokine signatures as biomarkers of environmental mold exposure. | Int J Med Microbiol 308: 1018-26 | PubMed |
Weiss E, Ziegler S, Fliesser M, Schmitt AL, Hünniger K, Kurzai O, Morton CO, Einsele H, Loeffler L | 2018 | First insights in NK-DC cross-talk and the importance of soluble factors during infection with Aspergillus fumigatus. | Front Cell Infect Microbiol 8: 288 | PubMed |
Marischen L, Englert A, Schmitt AL, Einsele H, Loeffler J | 2018 | Human NK cells adapt their immune response towards increasing multiplicities of infection of Aspergillus fumigatus. | BMC Immunol 19: 39 | PubMed |
Lauruschkat CD, Einsele H, Loeffler J | 2018 | Immunomodulation as a therapy for Aspergillus Infection: Current status and future perspectives. | J Fungi (Basel) 4: 137 | PubMed |
Voltersen V, Blango MG, Herrmann S, Schmidt F, Heinekamp T, Strassburger M, Krüger T, Bacher P, Lother J, Weiss E, Hünniger K, Liu H, Hortschansky P, Scheffold A, Löffler J, Krappmann S, Nietzsche S, Kurzai O, Einsele H, Kniemeyer O, Filler SG, Reichard U, Brakhage AA | 2018 | Proteome analysis reveals the conidial surface protein CcpA essential for virulence of the pathogenic fungus Aspergillus fumigatus. | mBio 9: e01557-18 | PubMed |
Ziegler S, Weiss E, Schmitt AL, Schlegel J, Burgert A, Terpitz U, Sauer M, Moretta L, Sivori S, Leonhardt I, Kurzai O, Einsele H, Loeffler J | 2017 | CD56 is a pathogen recognition receptor on human natural killer cells. | Sci Rep 7: 6138 | PubMed |
Duell J, Dittrich M, Bedke T, Mueller T, Eisele F, Rosenwald A, Rasche L, Hartmann E, Dandekar T, Einsele H, Topp M | 2017 | Frequency of regulatory T cells determines the outcome of the T cell engaging antibody blinatumomab in patients with B precursor ALL. | Leukemia 31: 2181-90 | PubMed |
Wurster S, Weis P, Page L, Lazariotou M, Einsele H, Ullmann AJ | 2017 | Quantification of A. fumigatus-specific CD154+ T-cells-preanalytic considerations. | Med Mycol 55: 223-7 | PubMed |
Dix A, Czakai K, Leonhardt I, Schäferhoff K, Bonin M, Guthke R, Einsele H, Kurzai O, Löffler J, Linde J | 2017 | Specific and novel microRNAs are regulated as response to fungal infection in human dendritic cells. | Front Microbiol 8: 270 | PubMed |
Saraiva JP, Oswald M, Biering A, Röll D, Assmann C, Klassert T, Blaess M, Czakai K, Claus R, Löffler J, Slevogt H, König R | 2017 | Fungal biomarker discovery by integration of classifiers. | BMC Genomics 18: 601 | PubMed |
Wurster S, Thielen V, Weis P, Walther P, Elias J, Waaga-Gasser AM, Dragan M, Dandekar T, Einsele H, Löffler J, Ullmann, AJ | 2017 | Mucorales spores induce a proinflammatory cytokine response in human mononuclear phagocytes and harbor no rodlet hydrophobins. | Virulence 8: 1708-18 | PubMed |
Hellmann AM, Lother J, Wurster S, Lutz MB, Schmitt AL, Morton CO, Eyrich M, Czakai K, Einsele H, Loeffler | 2017 | Human and murine innate immune cell populations display common and distinct response patterns during their in vitro interaction with the pathogenic mould Aspergillus fumigatus. | Front Immunol 8: 1716 | PubMed |
Dix A, Czakai K, Springer J, Fliesser M, Bonin M, Guthke R, Schmitt AL, Einsele H, Linde J, Löffler J | 2016 | Genome-wide expression profiling reveals S100B as biomarker for invasive Aspergillosis. | Front Microbiol 7: 320 | PubMed |
Teutschbein J, Simon S, Lother J, Springer J, Hortschansky P, Morton CO, Löffler J, Einsele H, Conneally E, Rogers TR, Guthke R, Brakhage AA, Kniemeyer O | 2016 | Proteomic profiling of serological responses to Aspergillus fumigatus antigens in patients with invasive aspergillosis. | J Proteome Res 15: 1580-91 | PubMed |
Hellwig D, Voigt J, Bouzani M, Löffler J, Albrecht-Eckardt D, Weber M, Brunke S, Martin R, Kurzai O, Hünniger K | 2016 | Candida albicans induces metabolic reprogramming in human NK cells and responds to perforin with a zinc depletion Response. | Front Microbiol 7: 750 | PubMed |
Kalleda N, Amich J, Arslan B, Poreddy S, Mattenheimer K, Mokhtari Z, Einsele H, Brock M, Heinze K, Beilhack A | 2016 | Dynamic immune cell recruitment after murine pulmonary Aspergillus fumigatus infection under different immunosuppressive regimens. | Front Microbiol 7: 1107 | PubMed |
Czakai K, Leonhardt I, Dix A, Bonin M, Linde J, Einsele H, Kurzai O, Loeffler J | 2016 | Krüppel-like Factor 4 modulates interleukin-6 release in human dendritic cells after in vitro stimulation with Aspergillus fumigatus and Candida albicans | Sci Rep 6: 27990 | PubMed |
Hefter M, Lother J, Weiss E, Schmitt AL, Fliesser M, Einsele H, Loeffler J | 2016 | Human primary myeloid dendritic cells interact with the opportunistic fungal pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus via the C type lectin receptor Dectin-1. | Med Mycol 55: 573-8 | Med Mycol |
Chopra M, Biehl M, Steinfatt T, Brandl A, Kums J, Amich J, Vaeth M, Kuen J, Holtappels R, Podlech J, Mottok A, Kraus S, Jordán Garrote AL, Bäuerlein CA, Brede C, Ribecchini E, Fick A, Seher A, Polz J, Ottmüller K, Baker J, Nishikii H, Ritz M, Mattenheimer K, Schwinn S, Winter T, Schäfer V, Krappmann S, Einsele H, Mueller TD, Reddehase MJ, Lutz MB, Männel DN, Berberich-Siebelt F, Wajant H, Beilhack A | 2016 | Exogenous TNFR2 activation protects from acute GvHD by induction of host Treg expansion. | J Exp Med 213: 1881-900 | PubMed |
Berges C, Kerkau T, Werner S, Wolf N, Winter N, Hünig T, Einsele H, Topp MS, Beyersdorf N | 2016 | Hsp90 inhibition ameliorates CD4+ T cell-mediated acute graft versus host disease in mice. | Immun Inflamm Dis 4: 463-73 | PubMed |
Beitzen-Heineke A, Bouzani M, Schmitt A, Kurzai O, Hünniger K, Einsele H, Loeffler J | 2016 | Human invariant natural killer T cells possess immune-modulating functions during Aspergillus infection. | Med Mycol 54: 169-76 | PubMed |
Czakai K, Dittrich M, Kaltdorf M, Müller T, Krappmann S, Schedler A, Bonin M, Dühring S, Schuster S, Speth C, Rambach G, Einsele H, Dandekar T, Löffler J | 2016 | Influence of platelet-rich plasma on the immune response of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells and macrophages stimulated with Aspergillus fumigatus. | Int J Med Microbiol 307: 95-107 | PubMed |
Leonhardt I, Spielberg S, Weber M, Albrecht-Eckardt D, Bläss M, Claus R, Barz D, Scherlach K, Hertweck C, Löffler J, Hünniger K, Kurzai O | 2015 | The fungal quorum-sensing molecule farnesol activates innate immune cells but suppresses cellular adaptive immunity. | mBio 6: e00143 | PubMed |
Hünniger K, Bieber K, Martin R, Lehnert T, Figge MT, Löffler J, Guo RF, Riedemann NC, Kurzai O | 2015 | A second stimulus required for enhanced antifungal activity of human neutrophils in blood is provided by anaphylatoxin C5a. | J Immunol 194: 1199-210 | PubMed |
Rieber N, Singh A, Carevic M, Öz H, Bouzani M, Amich J, Ost M, Ye Z, Ballbach M, Schäfer I, Mezger M, Klimosch SN, Weber ANR, Handgretinger R, Krappmann S, Liese J, Engeholm M, Schüle R, Salish HR, Marodi L, Speckmann C, Grimbacher B, Ruland J, Brown GD, Beilhack A, Loeffler J, Hartl D | 2015 | Pathogenic fungi regulate T-cell immunity by inducing neutrophilic myeloid-derived suppressor cells through a Dectin-1/CARD9 and ROS-mediated mechanism. | Cell Host Microbe 17: 507-14 | PubMed |
Mueller-Leisse J, Brueggemann S, Bouzani M, Schmitt AL, Einsele H, Loeffler J | 2015 | Polymorphonuclear neutrophils and granulocytic myeloid-derived suppressor cells inhibit natural killer cell activity toward Aspergillus fumigatus. | Med Mycol 56: 622-9 | PubMed |
Fliesser M, Morton O, Bonin M, Ebel F, Hünniger K, Kurzai O, Einsele H, Löffler J | 2015 | Hypoxia-inducible factor 1α modulates metabolic activity and cytokine release in anti-Aspergillus fumigatus immune responses initiated by human dendritic cells. | Int J Med Microbiol 305: 865-73 | PubMed |
Morton CO, Fliesser M, Dittrich M, Mueller T, Bauer R, Kneitz S, Hope W, Rogers TR, Einsele H, Loeffler J | 2014 | Gene expression profiles of human dendritic cells interacting with Aspergillus fumigatus in a bilayer model of the alveolar epithelium/endothelium interface. | PLoS One 9: e98279 | PubMed |
Lother J, Breitschopf T, Krappmann S, Morton CO, Bouzani M, Kurzai O, Gunzer M, Hasenberg M, Einsele H, Loeffler J | 2014 | Human dendritic cell subsets display distinct interactions with the mould Aspergillus fumigatus. | Int J Med Microbiol 304: 1160-8 | PubMed |