Project B4
Image data analysis and agent-based modeling of the spatio-temporal interaction between immune cells and human-pathogenic fungi
B4 focuses on the analysis and modeling of image data acquired within the CRC/TR FungiNet. This is accomplished by an image-based systems biology approach consisting of three steps: (i) automated image processing, (ii) derivation of quantitative measures, and (iii) construction of mathematical models to perform predictive computer simulations. The main objective is to advance this approach to investigate the interaction between host immune cells and human-pathogenic fungi, ultimately contributing to the development of a virtual infection model.
In the first funding period, we followed three lines of research: (i) Development of a pipeline for the automated analysis of microscopic images from endpoint experiments to investigate phagocytosis assays for Aspergillus fumigatus (collaboration with A1) and invasion assays for Candida albicans (C1). (ii) Computer simulation of virtual infection models for epithelial invasion of C. albicans (C1) and host-pathogen interactions in human whole-blood (C3). (iii) Mathematical modeling of A. fumigatus infection in the human lung by evolutionary game theory on graphs (A1, B1, C5).
Building on our achievements, in the second funding period we will design new tools and workflows to investigate morphological, functional and dynamic aspects of host-pathogen interactions. For example, the automated analysis of endpoint images will be developed into a comprehensive processing framework of time-resolved image data generated by live cell microscopy. We will also apply advanced computer simulations towards three main goals: (i) the generation of synthetic data representing a well-defined ground truth that we can use to validate our new algorithms for automated image analysis, (ii) the support of the design of experimental assays in order to avoid ambiguities, and (iii) the ability to identify mechanisms that govern the immune response in virtual infection scenarios.
Furthermore, we want to combine Image-based systems biology with the bioinformatics analysis of omics data in order to arrive at a more comprehensive view of infection scenarios across various scales.
Prof. Dr. Marc Thilo Figge
Department of Applied Systems Biology
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Research Group Applied Systems Biology
Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology - Hans-Knöll-Institute
Author | Year | Title | Journal | Links |
Günther K, Nischang V, Cseresnyés Z, Krüger T, Sheta D, Abboud Z, Heinekamp T, Werner M, Kniemeyer O, Beilhack A, Figge MT, Brakhage AA, Werz O, Jordan PM | 2024 | Aspergillus fumigatus-derived gliotoxin impacts innate immune cell activation through modulating lipid mediator production in macrophages. | Immunology. | PubMed |
Saffer C, Timme S, Ortiz SC, Bertuzzi M, Figge MT | 2024 | Spatiotemporal modeling quantifies cellular contributions to uptake of Aspergillus fumigatus in the human lung. | Commun Biol. 7(1):1615 | PubMed |
Valentine M, Rudolph P, Dietschmann A, Tsavou A, Mogavero S, Lee S, Priest EL, Zhurgenbayeva G, Jablonowski N, Timme S, Eggeling C, Allert S, Dolk E, Naglik JR, Figge MT, Gresnigt MS, Hube B | 2024 | Nanobody-mediated neutralization of candidalysin prevents epithelial damage and inflammatory responses that drive vulvovaginal candidiasis pathogenesis | mBio:e0340923 | PubMed |
Kaden T, Alonso-Roman R, Akbarimoghaddam P, Mosig AS, Graf K, Raasch M, Hoffmann B, Figge MT, Hube B, Gresnigt MS | 2024 | Modeling of intravenous caspofungin administration using an intestine-on-chip reveals altered Candida albicans microcolonies and pathogenicity. | Biomaterials. 9;307:122525 | PubMed |
Sarkar A, Praetorius JP, Figge MT | 2024 | Deep learning-based characterization of neutrophil activation phenotypes in ex vivo human Candida blood infections. | Struct Biotechnol J. 18;23:1260-1273. | PubMed |
Alonso-Roman R, Mosig AS, Figge MT , Papenfort K, Eggeling Ch, Schachter FH, Hube B, Gresnigt MS | 2024 | Organ-on-chip models for infectious disease research. | Nat Microbiol 9, 891–904 | nature microbiology |
Walluks K, Praetorius JP, Arnold D, Figge MT | 2024 | Impact of functional electrical stimulation on nerve-damaged muscles by quantifying fat infiltration using deep learning. | Sci Rep. 14(1):12158 | PubMed |
Goldmann M, Schmidt F, Cseresnyés Z, Orasch T, Jahreis S, Hartung S, Figge MT, von Lilienfeld-Toal M, Heinekamp T, Brakhage AA | 2023 | The lipid raft-associated protein stomatin is required for accumulation of dectin-1 in the phagosomal membrane and for full activity of macrophages against Aspergillus fumigatus. | mSphere 8(1) :e0052322 | PubMed |
Orasch T, Gangapurwala G, Vollrath A, González K, Alex J, De San Luis A, Weber C, Hoeppener S, Cseresnyés Z, Figge MT, Guerrero-Sanchez C, Schubert US, Brakhage AA | 2023 | Polymer-based particles against pathogenic fungi: A non-uptake delivery of compounds. | Biomater Adv 146, 213300 | PubMed |
Jia LJ, Rafiq M, Radosa L, Hortschansky P, Cunha C, Cseresnyés Z, Krüger T, Schmidt F, Heinekamp T, Straßburger M, Löffler B, Doenst T, Lacerda JF, Campos A, Figge MT, Carvalho A, Kniemeyer O, Brakhage AA | 2023 | Aspergillus fumigatus hijacks human p11 to redirect fungal-containing phagosomes to non-degradative pathway. | Cell Host & Microbe: 31,3 | Cell Host & Microbe |
Gerst R, Cseresnyés Z, Figge MT | 2023 | JIPipe: visual batch processing for ImageJ. | Nat Methods 20(2), 168-169 | PubMed |
Saffer C, Timme S, Rudolph P, Figge MT | 2023 | Surrogate infection model predicts optimal alveolar macrophage number for clearance of Aspergillus fumigatus infections. | NPJ Syst Biol Appl. 10;9(1):12. | PubMed |
Praetorius JP, Walluks K, Svensson CM, Arnold D, Figge MT | 2023 | IMFSegNet: Cost-effective and Objective Quantification of Intramuscular Fat in Histological Sections by Deep Learning. | CSBJ2229 | CSBJournal |
Hoang TNM, Cseresnyés Z, Hartung S, Blickensdorf M, Saffer C, Rennert K, Mosig AS, von Lilienfeld-Toal M, Figge MT | 2022 | Invasive aspergillosis-on-chip: A quantitative treatment study of human Aspergillus fumigatus infection | Biomaterials 283: 121420 | PubMed |
Belyaev I, Marolda A, Praetorius J-P, Sarkar A, Medyukhina A, Hünniger K, Kurzai O, Figge MT | 2022 | Automated Characterisation of Neutrophil Activation Phenotypes in Ex Vivo Human Candida Blood Infections. | Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal | PubMed |
Stanford FA, Matthies N, Cseresnyés Z, Figge MT, Hassan MIA, Voigt K | 2021 | Expression patterns in reductive iron assimilation and functional consequences during phagocytosis of Lichtheimia corymbifera, an emerging cause of Mucormycosis. | J Fungi (Basel) 7: 272 | PubMed |
Lehnert T, Leonhardt I, Timme S, Thomas-Rüddel D, Bloos F, Sponholz C, Kurzai O, Figge MT, Hünniger K | 2021 | Ex vivo immune profiling in patient blood enables quantification of innate immune effector functions. | Sci Rep 11: 12039 | PubMed |
Belyaev I, Praetorius JP, Medyukhina A, Figge MT | 2021 | Enhanced segmentation of label-free cells for automated migration and interaction tracking. | Cytometry A 1-12 | PubMed |
Lehnert T, Prauße MTE, Hünniger K, Praetorius JP, Kurzai O, Figge MT | 2021 | Comparative assessment of immune evasion mechanisms in human whole-blood infection assays by a systems biology approach. | PLoS One 16: e0249372 | PubMed |
Marolda A, Hünniger K, Böttcher S, Vivas W, Löffler J, Figge MT, Kurzai O | 2020 | Candida species-dependent release of IL-12 by dendritic cells induces different levels of NK cell stimulation. | J Infect Dis 221: 2060-71 | PubMed |
Shopova IA, Belyaev I, Dasari P, Jahreis S, Stroe MC, Cseresnyés Z, Zimmermann AK, Medyukhina A, Svensson CM, Krüger T, Szeifert V, Nietzsche S, Conrad T, Blango MG, Kniemeyer O, Lilienfeld-Toal Mv, Zipfel PF, Ligeti E, Figge MT, Brakhage AA | 2020 | Human neutrophils produce antifungal extracellular vesicles against Aspergillus fumigatus. | mBio 11: e00596-20 | PubMed |
Hassan MIA, Kruse J, Krüger T, Dahse HM, Cseresnyés Z, Blango MG, Slevogt H, Hörhold F, Ast V, König R, Figge MT, Kniemeyer O, Brakhage AA, Voigt K | 2020 | Functional surface proteomic profiling reveals the host heat-shock protein A8 as a mediator of Lichtheimia corymbifera recognition by murine alveolar macrophages. | Environ Microbiol 22: 3722-40 | PubMed |
Cseresnyés Z, Hassan MA, Dahse HD, Voigt K, Figge MT | 2020 | Quantitative impact of cell membrane fluorescence labeling on phagocytosis measurements in confrontation assays. | Front Microbiol 11: 1193 | PubMed |
Böttcher B, Hoffmann B, Garbe E, Weise T, Cseresnyés Z, Brandt P, Dietrich S, Driesch D, Figge MT, Vylkova S | 2020 | The transcription factor Stp2 is important for Candida albicans biofilm establishment and sustainability. | Front Microbiol 11: 794 | PubMed |
Tille A, Lehnert T, Zipfel PF, Figge MT | 2020 | Quantification of factor H mediated self versus non-self discrimination by mathematical modeling. | Front Immunol 11: 1911 | Frontiers |
Blickensdorf M, Timme S+, Figge MT | 2020 | Hybrid agent-based modeling of Aspergillus fumigatus infection to quantitatively investigate the role of Pores of Kohn in human alveoli. | Front Microbiol 11: 1951 | PubMed |
Lehnert T, Leonhardt I, Timme S, Thomas-Rüddel D, Bloos F, Sponholz C, Kurzai O, Figge MT, Hünniger K | 2020 | Ex vivo immune profiling in patient blood enables quantification of innate immune effector functions. | bioRxiv | bioRxiv |
Schmidt F, Thywißen A, Goldmann M, Cunha C, Cseresnyés Z, Schmidt H, Rafiq M, Galiani S, Gräler MH, Chamilos G, Lacerda JF, Campos Jr A, Eggeling C, Figge MT, Heinekamp T, Filler SG, Carvalho A, Brakhage AA | 2020 | Flotillin-dependent membrane microdomains are required for functional phagolysosomes against fungal infections. | Cell Rep 32: 108017 | PubMed |
Hirth G, Svensson CM, Böttcher K, Ullrich S, Figge MT, Jungnickel B | 2019 | Regulation of the germinal center reaction and somatic hypermutation dynamics by homologous recombination. | J Immunol 203: 1493-1501 | PubMed |
Hassan MIA, Cseresnyés Z, Al-Zaben N, Dahse HM, de Oliveira RJV, Walther G, Voigt K, Figge MT | 2019 | The geographical region of origin determines the phagocytic vulnerability of Lichtheimia strains. | Environ Microbiol 21: 4563-81 | PubMed |
Dasari P, Koleci N, Shopova I, Wartenberg D, Beyersdorf N, Dietrich S, Sahagún-Ruiz A, Figge MT, Skerka C, Brakhage AA, Zipfel PF | 2019 | Enolase from Aspergillus fumigatus is a moonlighting and immune evasion protein that binds the human plasma complement protein factors H, FHL-1, C4BP, and Plasminogen. | Front Immunol 10: 2573 | PubMed |
Maurer M, Gresnigt MS, Last A, Wollny T, Berlinghof F, Pospich R, Cseresnyes Z, Medyukhina A, Graf K, Gröger M, Raasch M, Siwczak F, Nietzsche S, Jacobsen ID, Figge MT, Hube B, Huber O, Mosig AS | 2019 | A three-dimensional immunocompetent intestine-on-chip model as in vitro platform for functional and microbial interaction studies. | Biomaterials 220: 119396 | PubMed |
Blickensdorf M, Timme S, Figge MT | 2019 | Comparative assessment of aspergillosis by virtual infection modeling in murine and human lung. | Front Immunol 10: 142 | PubMed |
Svensson CM, Shvydkiv O, Dietrich S, Mahler L, Weber T, Choudhary M, Tovar M, Figge MT, Roth M | 2019 | Coding of experimental conditions in microfluidic droplet assays using colored beads and machine learning supported image analysis. | Small 15: e1802384 | PubMed |
Al-Zaben N, Medyukhina A, Dietrich S, Marolda A, Hünniger K, Kurzai O, Figge MT | 2019 | Automated tracking of label-free cells with enhanced recognition of whole tracks. | Sci Rep 9: 3317 | PubMed |
Prauße MTE, Lehnert T, Timme S, Hünniger K, Leonhardt I, Kurzai O, Figge MT | 2018 | Predictive virtual infection modeling of fungal immune evasion in human whole blood. | Front Immunol 9: 560 | Frontiers |
Timme S, Lehnert T, Prauße MTE, Hünniger K, Leonhardt I, Kurzai O, Figge M | 2018 | Quantitative simulations predict treatment strategies against fungal infections in virtual neutropenic patients. | Front Immunol 9: 667 | PubMed |
Meinel C, Spartà G, Dahse H-M, Hörhold F, König R, Westermann M, Cseresnyés Z, Coldewey SM, Figge MT, Hammerschmidt S, Skerka C, Zipfel PF | 2018 | Streptococcus pneumoniae from patients with hemolytic uremic syndrome binds human plasminogen via the surface protein PspC and uses plasmin to damage human endothelial cells. | J Infect Dis 217: 358-70 | PubMed |
Cseresnyes Z, Kraibooj K, Figge MT | 2018 | Hessian-based quantitative image analysis of host-pathogen confrontation assays. | Cytometry A 93: 346-56 | PubMed |
Svensson CM, Medyukhina A, Belyaev I, Al-Zaben N, Figge MT | 2018 | Untangling cell tracks: Quantifying cell migration by time lapse image data analysis. | Cytometry A 93: 357-70 (Review) | PubMed |
Schaarschmidt B, Vlaic S, Medyukhina A, Neugebauer S, Nietzsche S, Gonnert FA, Rödel J, Singer M, Kiehntopf M, Figge MT, Jacobsen ID, Bauer M, Press AT | 2018 | Molecular signatures of liver dysfunction are distinct in fungal and bacterial infections in mice. | Theranostics 8: 3766-80 | PubMed |
Allert S*, Förster TM*, Svensson CM, Richardson JP, Pawlik T, Hebecker B, Rudolphi S, Juraschitz M, Schaller M, Blagojevic M, Morschhäuser J, Figge MT, Jacobsen ID, Naglik JR, Kasper L, Mogavero S, Hube B; *authors contributed equally | 2018 | Candida albicans-induced epithelial damage mediates translocation through intestinal barriers. | mBio 9: e00915-18 | PubMed |
Dasari P, Shopova IA, Stroe M, Wartenberg D, Dahse HM, Beyersdorf N, Hortschansky P, Dietrich S, Cseresnyés Z, Figge MT, Westermann M, Skerka C, Brakhage AA, Zipfel PF | 2018 | Aspf2 from Aspergillus fumigatus recruits human immune regulators for immune evasion and cell damage. | Front Immunol 9: 1635 | Frontiers |
Brandes S, Dietrich S, Hünniger K, Kurzai O, Figge MT | 2017 | Migration and interaction tracking for quantitative analysis of phagocyte-pathogen confrontation assays. | Med Image Anal 356: 172-83 | PubMed |
Lehnert T, Figge MT | 2017 | Dimensionality of motion and binding valency govern receptor-ligand kinetics as revealed by agent-based modeling. | Front Immunol 8: 1692 | PubMed |
Figge MT | 2017 | Systems Biology of Infection | NOVA ACTA LEOPOLDINA (ed.) Crossing Boundaries in Science. Documentation of the Workshop of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, Weimar, 06/30/2016-07/02/2016, 419, pp. 45-51. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart, Halle (Saale). | Leopoldina |
Pollmächer J, Timme S, Schuster S, Brakhage AA, Zipfel PF, Figge MT | 2016 | Deciphering the counterplay of Aspergillus fumigatus infection and host inflammation by evolutionary games on graphs. | Sci Rep 6: 27807 | PubMed |
Buhlmann D, Eberhardt HU, Medyukhina A, Prodinger WM, Figge MT, Zipfel PF, Skerka C | 2016 | Complement factor H related protein 3 (FHR3) blocks C3d-mediated co-activation of human B cells. | J Immunol 197: 620-9 | PubMed |
Hünniger K, Bieber K, Martin R, Lehnert T, Figge MT, Löffler J, Guo RF, Riedemann NC, Kurzai O | 2015 | A second stimulus required for enhanced antifungal activity of human neutrophils in blood is provided by anaphylatoxin C5a. | J Immunol 194: 1199-210 | PubMed |
Brandes S, Mokhtari Z, Essig F, Hünniger K, Kurzai O, Figge MT | 2015 | Automated segmentation and tracking of non-rigid objects in time-lapse microscopy videos of polymorphonuclear neutrophils. | Med Image Anal 20: 34-51 | PubMed |
Duggan S, Essig F, Hünniger K, Mokhtari Z, Bauer L, Lehnert T, Brandes S, Häder A, Jacobsen ID, Martin R, Figge MT, Kurzai O | 2015 | Neutrophil activation by Candida glabrata but not Candida albicans promotes fungal uptake by monocytes. | Cell Microbiol 17: 1259-76 | PubMed |
Lehnert T, Timme S, Pollmächer J, Hünniger K, Kurzai O, Figge MT | 2015 | Bottom-up modeling approach for the quantitative estimation of parameters in pathogen-host interactions. | Front Microbiol 6: 608 | PubMed |
Medyukhina A, Timme S, Mokhtari Z, Figge MT | 2015 | Image-based systems biology of infection. | Cytometry A 87: 462-70 | PubMed |
Kraibooj K, Schoeler H, Svensson CM, Brakhage AA, Figge MT | 2015 | Automated quantification of the phagocytosis of Aspergillus fumigatus conidia by a novel image analysis algorithm. | Front Microbiol 6: 549 | PubMed |
Mattern DJ, Schoeler H, Weber J, Novohradská S, Kraibooj K, Dahse HM, Hillmann F, Valiante V, Figge MT, Brakhage AA | 2015 | Identification of the antiphagocytic trypacidin gene cluster in the human-pathogenic fungus Aspergillus fumigatus. | Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 99: 10151-61 | PubMed |
Pollmächer J, Figge MT | 2015 | Deciphering chemokine properties by a hybrid agent-based model of Aspergillus fumigatus infection in human alveoli. | Front Microbiol 6: 503 | PubMed |
Hünniger K, Lehnert T, Bieber K, Martin R, Figge MT, Kurzai O | 2014 | A virtual infection model quantifies innate effector mechanisms and Candida albicans immune escape in human blood. | PLoS Comput Biol 10: e1003479 | PubMed |
Kraibooj K, Park HR, Dahse HM, Skerka C, Voigt K, Figge MT | 2014 | Virulent strain of Lichtheimia corymbifera shows increased phagocytosis by macrophages as revealed by automated microscopy image analysis. | Mycoses 57 Suppl 3: 56-66 | PubMed |
Mech F, Wilson D, Lehnert T, Hube B, Figge MT | 2014 | Epithelial invasion outcompetes hypha development during Candida albicans infection as revealed by an image-based systems biology approach. | Cytometry A 85: 126-39 | PubMed |